Tuesday 17 July 2012

Fashion can be purchased at Zara, style can't be.

Sunday when I left home I hardly knew it was, 1stly, Sunday and to make matters worse sale season.
Palladium was flooded with people.
I dislike shopping. One quick walk and if I don't like anything I leave.
I was at Zara too and tried walking through as fast as I can. But I couldn't. The rush was insane.
More than clothes I checked out people around. There were different size people of all age and from different sections of the society. What united them all was the illusion of a BIG brand ( in Mumbai ) Zara and a positive thought that clothes make a Man. Wrong.
They all looked fashion conscious. If not fashionable. I shall not mention class and style quotient in them. Somehow it didn't come across hence this blog.
As I looked at men around in the Zara Men section I realized they all had dressed up to shop ( at a sale ). I saw how everyone wanted to pick the best irrespective of their body type. Level of fashion in clothes should match the level of fashion in you. Its an EPIC fail when fashion level of the clothe is more than you personal level of fashion. Most Fashion conscious men mimic fashion straight from a fashion magazine or movies. We Indians don't have a very fab body to flaunt these clothes. Iam just being very honest about it. But we certainly do a good job with Indian wear. Why ? Because we are confident in wearing that. We understand the style, silhouette, cut and fabric. But we don't understand western clothes as good. And Indian men are further away from understanding the nitty gritty uber fashion.
Every guy present there had dressed to kill. Dressed up shop ? Really. They were party ready. Tight pant, a half sleeves printed tee, loafer and nicely trimmed hair to mention few. 10 on 10 for the effort to look up market and fashionable. But they all failed.
Some men dress well. Its mostly those who think fashion is for women and play safe. But this sounds boring to some. And enters the modern fashionable man. These men try stealing fashion from all the possible sources. This might work but only when these efforts don't come across as effort. But some men fail like I said before because the outfit never looks part of them. ofcourse because your wardrobe has very few of these kind which they wear for special times like... Shopping. They certainly were trying to impress people around with their clothes, shoes and watches screaming- Iam Fashinable. Look at me.
Men should always keep their fashion quotient high, no doubt. But lazy weekend occupations like shopping should not have flashy dress code. Unless you college student or aspiring model.
Being careful while choosing your outfit is the key word. Making your most expensive outfit look eased out on your body serves the mantra. I won't specify colour but nothing that is gaudy or blingy works for men, esp. on lazy weekends. Avoid tight fiiting clothes if you don't have the best physic. It should be just the right fit. Not to tight not too loose.
We all might not have a perfect body but there are certainly atleast one type of clothe that suits us. Wear that. Find variations in that. Look for different pattern in that. A different fabric. A different colour.
Always compensate. If a thing on your body is bright wear a light thing to go with it, Tight then another thing loose, if your pant is too much printed or has too much texture choose sober tee. Compensate. You don't want to look like you are going for audition in Andheri West. Right ?
Fashion is so readily available today. So you can have a perfect tee, pants, shoes but then that would be perfect piece chosen which necessary doesn't mean it would look good on you. All good expensive things put together but still not good enough. Why ? The answer is as simple. Fashion can be acquired but style is innate.
When buying an outfit think. Being true to oneself is the key word. Get inspired from around and from within when choosing your outfit. Understand your background and your personality. Your choice of clothe should not be the one that's affected by the awesome looking clothe on the mannequin. It should be something that enhances your appearance and avoids making you look frivolous.

Stay true to what suits you and what you can justify. Look for you in a outfit and  PLEASE  stop crowding at malls. =) 

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