Thursday 5 July 2012

I was an Angry Bird & I hated flying

Yesterday while walking through a busy road I met an ex-colleague of mine. He was on his bike. We chatted until the signal lasted. The conversation was the usual what I always get from everyone. He asked if I enjoyed modelling better than flying. It was a tough comparison to make and I was dumb found. I had more expressions than word. I swear I couldn't crib anymore about flying as a career.
Sometimes when I look back at my time in the airline and chat with colleagues on Facebook I find it to be a cool place where I used to work. But I think deeper into it and I take a high jump out of the whole thought process. It was certainly a tough job keeping in mind that we all were literally in our teens when recruited. It certainly got worse when I met other with like mindedness and Bollywood dreams. Well, I was one of them. So I happily quit to become Shahrukh Khan of the NextGen. Iam seriously kidding about the SRK part. =I
What I miss about flying is not flying. I think I miss a job and not flying. Having a job that gets you a constant salary is what I miss but not flying. Swear the salary didn't do justice to what I thought of myself then. But then it kept coming in. Right !
Here I might do one assignment for a big brand and I get paid as much. But then I miss having a hectic life. No I swear flying kept me busy. But its not the flying that I miss. Again I resurrect its the no-time-on-hand I miss.
Your job is certainly you. Everything about you comes from your job. That pride in your walk, the way you talk to a waiter at a restaurant, the way you look at a stranger, the way you take out your credit/debit card, it all comes to you from your job. I've lost a bit of that pride u see. Your job is you. Its make 80% of who you are.
Today I wouldn't want to go back to flying. Because for me it still sucks. Its certainly a job I chose when I was 18years old. At 24 I feel I have more talent to return to the industry.
I'am glad its no more a set life. I wait for a bus for almost an hour but I won't take a rick. Seeing the real life seems more beautiful. Not having a job has made me more real. And certainly has helped me have more character to myself. I see my personality talking for me not my expensive gadget or material. I feel real and actually 2012. This is the real shit.
I think it's things when gone are missed the most. My job got me enough satisfaction ( the societal  satisfaction I guess ). Missing the job part is certainly what I'am sharing. But then I'am again scared for people to jump to conclusion that I might be regretting leaving flying.

I don't miss flying. I miss having a job. I miss being oh so busy. 

So next time when I meet an ex-colleague who asks me if I miss flying. I will certainly talk all good about it. But that I want you to know is my love for what made me. Something that contributed majorly in my life.
So I won't compare.

Just dress up both the ugly ducklings when speaking to others. And beat the hell of out each one of them when depressed. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow navin! I love readin ur blogs..dis ones left tears in my eyes!! Bigg hug buddy!!:)
